Sunday, 27 October 2013

Kitchen progress...

Some weeks I think this kitchen will never be finished, and other weeks we make so much progress in such a short time that I can see a glimpse if the finish line in sight. This week we: 

Popped the handles (I bought a little while ago from mother of pearl and sons) on the island:
J managed to wire the power to the island so now the microwave lives in there and we have power points in situ:
(Photo bomb by Lenny ^)

J also cut a hole in the wall to recess the fridge freezer combo:
It has to have skirting board and architrave put around to finish it off but I love it already...
Mum also had a great idea to pop a flat screen above.

And we have been continuing to paint and work on the back of the house, j painted these doors (trying to decide which colour looks best - what do you think)

Hard to tell when roof still needs to go on deck and balustrade, walls etc still need painting...
Also about to order bi fold to go here:
^will take up all the windows seen here at back of house. To be honest I am in two minds about this as I don't want to take away such a beautiful feature, but the flow of the house will be incredible with a huge opening into the deck from living areas so I think we will take the plunge! 

Finally we have been slab shopping last week or so, hopefully will have more to report next week or so :-)


  1. The black paint on the french doors look very striking against the white background! What colour are you painting the weatherboards? xx

    1. We are painting the weatherboards white like the battons beneath, aiming for a black and white look, just worried black doors like a bit Swiss ski lodge like LOL

  2. I like white french doors, but it's tricky to tell at the moment. It's great when everything comes together and you achieve a whole lot in a short time! x

    1. I think I like the white too, but j painted them all black on weekend al I growing to love it... Oh well it's only paint we can change it later I guess (spoken by the one not doing the actual painting!)

  3. It's all those pesky finishing up jobs that make the finished room seem ages away. Looks like you are nearly there though. The black looks quite striking, would suit your elegant/chic look.

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