Thursday, 2 January 2014

New Years resolutions

1. More family time just the 3 of us...
2. Update this blog more...

It's been 18 months since we bought our beautiful but pretty much derelict queenslander, and I'm so happy to say we are finally getting to a point where we can sit back and breathe.  Whilst we have resounded to the fact that owning a queenslander means renovating is somewhat a lifestyle now, we are excited that many of our "big" projects have been ticked off and the pace can slow down some what.  

Since I was last on here we have achieved a lot...

The kitchen has had marble installed

And we couldn't be happier!!!

I ended up purchasing it from a lady on gumtree who imported around 20 slabs herself and sold the them for a fraction if the RRP so instead of costing $12k+ it only cost around $4k for the marble and install. 

The epic rangehood made by our kitchen builder extraordinaire was installed - still takes my breathe away every time I walk in

We also ordered some bi fold doors from underwood demo market which we have been very happy with.  We wanted something to match the existing doors 8 light french doors that we had installed early in the piece.  I liked these for two reasons, 1 the price was only $2200 for a 3m opening and 2 I liked how they folded back to create a large in obstructed opening.


They still need to be painted and the surround arc-ed up but again we were very happy with the result.

We also have had the driveway and front path newly concreted.  This involved many discussions about expossed aggreviate vs stamped/stencilled concrete vs paved bricks... Final result was a salt n pepper exposed aggreviate.

Last minute I decided that I wanted the foot path to be done in black and white tiles like this: 
So the boys ended up just laying concrete there so the tiler can do this at a later stage.

Since then we have also laid some turf and put up fence posts, so the whole area is finally coming together.

Now the big decision up for discussion... What type of fence and pedestrian gate????? 


  1. Oh you're doing beautiful things. Your kitchen is beautiful!! I'll be very interested to see what you end up choosing for your fence. I'd favour either of the last 2 with a mock orange border on the inside. ( not that you're asking for an opinion, lol!!)
    Have you considered concreting under the fence line? Trust me, from experience, it helps over time, to keep the weeds, grass etc away from the fence line & at the end of the day, just looks professional!

    1. no i love to hear others opinions, i am usually so sure of what i like but this fence thing is hard! Thanks for the input xxx

  2. WOW! It is all so beautiful!!! That range hood really is spectacular! Nice work on the bargain bench tops and bi-fold doors. I think you've made a good decision regarding the driveway and path. We opted for plain concrete for our entire driveway to lay stone at a later date but I'm not sure if we made the right decision.

    1. omg just had a look at your place - amazing!!! stone will look great on your driveway xxx

  3. I'm with Wendy C. I like the last two and think the concreting under the fence is a good idea (the weed factor does take away the look of our new fence). When we did our fence I tried to match it to the era of our house (1928) and base it on other fences in the neighbourhood. But you know whatever you decide will be a winner - your home is gorgeous! xx

    1. Thanks so much, I really want to match it to the "era" of the house too it's just so hard working out what that will be - i think we may have settled on the fence like the 2nd last pic. hopefully it will look as good as theirs does - thanks for the help xxx

  4. These are great updates! DIY renovations can be very overwhelming. But seeing results like these, especially with your door, it’s very rewarding. I hope it will continue to progress well! And regarding your gate choices, the last one is the most appealing, in my opinion.

    Francis @

  5. WOW!!! The transformation is amazing. love your home & your blog!!

  6. Hi! Thank you so much for posting your experiences and house journey. I am also in Brisbane and building a house. I wonder if you would please tell me who your amazing kitchen builder extraordinaire is?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  9. خدمات عزل المنازل بالرياض
    عزل مائي

    نتخصص أيضا في شركة البيوت في تقديم خدمات عزل مائي و شركة عزل فوم بالرياض لمنزل أكثر أمانا عليك وعلى أفراد أسرتك، وأكثر مقاومة لمختلف أنواع التسربات، وبالتالي يمكنك المحافظة عليه لعمر افتراضي أطول، نحن نستخدم المواد العازلة معروفة المصدر وذات الجودة الفائقة، والتي يتوفر بها الكثير من المواصفات التي تمنح السطح المراد عزله أعلى الإمكانيات والقدرات للمقاومة، فضلا عن توفر المتخصصين في عملية العزل والذين يهتمون بتنفيذ كافة الخطوات وتحقيق مختلف المعايير التي ينبغي توفرها في عملية عزل المباني على اختلاف أنواعها.

    منزلك يحتاج إلى ترميم؟
    هناك العديد من الأسباب التي تجعلك في حاجة إلى ترميم منزلك، أهمها قدم المنزل، وتعرض حوائطه للتشقق، أو كونه مبنيا بمواد رخيصة، وغير ذلك، ولحصولك على هذه الخدمة يمكنك التواصل مع المتخصصين في شركة البيوت أفضل شركة ترميم بالرياض، لتعيد لك منزلك جديدا وأفضل مما كان، لأننا نعتمد في عملنا في هذا المجال على أجود المواد وأحدث التقنيات التي تساهم بفعالية في عمليات الترميم.
    يبدأ عملنا في هذا المجال بإرسال فريق من المتخصصين لإجراء المعاينة على الطبيعة وعمل فحص شامل للمبنى لتحديد عمليات الترميم التي سيحتاج إليها وما إذا كان هناك حاجة لأخذ التصريحات من الجهات المختصة للموافقة على بدء العمل، ومن ثم الاتفاق مع العميل على مختلف التفاصيل ووقت التسليم وما إلى ذلك.
    نقوم في شركة ترميم منازل بالرياض باختيار كافة المواد اللازمة لعملية الترميم شرط أن يتوفر فيها أعلى مستويات الجودة، إضافة إلى توفر المعدات التي يستخدمها المتخصصون في عمليات الترميم للمنازل، وكل ذلك يساهم في تقديم خدماتنا لك على أفضل وجه ممكن.
    شركة عزل فوم بالرياض
    لماذا تختار شركة البيوت للخدمات المنزلية؟

  10. ظهرت في الاونة الاخيرة العديد من شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض تقوم بتنظيف المكيفات بكل دقة وسرعة فائة مميزة في عملها بالاضافة لانها تقوم ايضا بـ شركة صيانة مكيفات بالرياض بكل المكيفات وبالعدد من الانواع المتواجدة بالاسواق صيانة و تعمل علي سرعة انتهاء شركة تركيب مكيفات بالرياض بكل سرعة ويسر وسهولة ممكنة.

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